Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Best Finds 2008: Twilight Series (Books)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Best Finds 2008: Taylor Swift (Musician)

Photo Credit: Starpulse
Monday, December 29, 2008
Best Finds 2008: Vancouver (Foreign City)
And yes, I loved the city. Still do. Walked the streets like I've never walked before: I think I've covered most of the place by just walking. Hehe. And loved the bike-friendly streets as well. And the lovely flowers lining the pavements. And the kinda laid back life. And the eco-friendliness. And even the weather!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Best Finds 2008: Boracay (Vacation Spot)
But this time, I was there to unwind, and what an adventure the trip was! My cousins and friends were funtastic company, the resort was brimming with summer activities (local stars populated the place so we had our paparazzi moments, hehe) and there were a number of firsts to try on: the banana boat ride, snorkeling, etc.
Our Bora trip is simply one of my happiest 2008 moments. =)
Friday, December 19, 2008
Best Finds 2008: Foreword
Why not have my own?
My own LIST. Hmmm, empowering.
And so, while People lists its 50 Most Beautiful People and ET lists almost anything in 2008 (e.g., sexiest men, best/worst hook-ups, etc), I - dojski - will list the best things I've found in 2008: stuff that has entered my life this year and made it so much happier, fun, better.
There will be no strict rules, no defined categories. Anything new that has outstandingly impressed me can be it. [It's great to be making your own rules. =) ]
Best Finds 2008 is a celebration of the people who and things that has made my 2008 a great year.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Anjali Talks Bill
Tonight, I caught only a small part of the interview, and from someone who doesn't really stick to interviews with political figures, I must say I did stay tuned till the interview was over. As usual, Anjali was her smart, charming self and the interview was done really well (smooth, cool, good vibes). I hesitated listening to Bill's answer on what he regret doing or not doing while President (read: Monica) but of course, the unmentionable was not mentioned and he instead replied on the big stuff - not doing enough for health care, etc.
Well, so there. Mystery solved.
On a sad, sad note, a heroic idea turned into a really painful one today. Having missed serious workout, I thought a dip at the pool will do me good - a few laps, and I can give myself a pat in the back for having done a healthful activity. Unfortunately, a sharp portion of the pool's steel ladder cut through my thumb when I slid to the water. Bloody painful. Literally. I will have to see a doctor tomorrow. Ahhh.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Still a Gossip Girl
I've heard of the show: it's been a big hit. But it did not interest me at all initially because I did not think I could like it. The title itself strongly hinted malice and backstabbing, and the setting (high school and the elite class at that) was susceptible to all the troubles of youth. I thought I did not have to bother with high school gossip or misdemeanors.
Well, I still don't think I have to bother with the world of gossiping, trouble-making high school kids, but it turns out, I can be very entertained by it.
Gossip Girl elicits just the right ounce of intrigue and suspense to pique your mind about what's going to happen next or what happened in the past. It is populated by actors and actresses who are so convincing in their roles, they all should win an award for best performance by an entire cast. It is led by a relative newbie (Blake Lively) whose acting talent is of the Meryl Streep kind - effective, natural and smart. It is put to life by characters that you either hate (Chuck) or love (Dan), with passion.
Gossip Girl - despite its naughtiness, or maybe partly because of it - is a masterpiece.
Friday, December 5, 2008
The Anjali Buzz
I look at my feedjit, and I mostly see people pointed to this blog through a google search on Anjali Rao. I check out my statcounter and I see the same.
When I wrote about her posts ago, I thought she was just another CNN reporter who has impressed me much. I did not expect many others would come 'looking for her', i.e., be interested enough to search google about her, her pics or the 'Anjali Rao pants' (a most interesting query, hehe). The countries span across continents - from the U.S. and Canada to South Africa, Hong Kong, Denmark, India, Austria, Albania, etc.
But why the buzz? I still don't get it.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Twilight Twice
One of the reasons I wanted to watch again was the theory that maybe, I didn't like the film for itself the first time because I sat too close to the screen. Ah, excuses.
Luckily, I was able to get a seat far enough for me not to be exposed too much to the vamps' powdered faces (make-up: thumbs down). Nothing has changed much from my original opinion of the film but there were some parts that I appreciated more. Those were the parts where I almost forgot about the book and simply let myself get carried away by the movie.
Still, I hope for a better New Moon.
(Regardless of my regard for the film, I grabbed this great CD on my way home. I really love the songs:)
Fave tracks:
1. Supermassive Black Hole (Muse)
2. Full Moon (The Black Ghosts)
3. Tremble for my Beloved (Collective Soul)
4. Eyes on Fire (Blue Foundation)
5. Flightless Bird (Iron & Wine)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
What do you do?
What do you do?
When you got painful blisters on your feet and you got to walk the way home, what do you do? When you got a most loved ipod in your bag and your heart feels so heavy, what do you do? When your spirit is so low and Seattle's comes to view, what do you do?
What, indeed?
I put on my ipod, think things through while my favorite songs serve as the musical score in my head, walk the way to Seattle's like I've got all the time in the world, and order this plate of comfort:

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
But it's not till the 20th that I can fly home. And it's going to be a couple of hours from there to my lola's place. Oh...I really hope she is feeling all right now.
La, be strong. We're going to have a great Christmas.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Two Words

I and four other twilighters trooped to Greenbelt last Wednesday to catch the midnight showing of Twilight - the one thing we all have been waiting for. I and the other twilighters left that theater unanimously feeling like we've been had.
The make-up was horrible. The script was flat. The scoring did not score. The special effects were not special. The editing needed more. The acting did not move me. The whole film was amateurish.
Twilight, was, the low budget film that it was. IF not for the books, I may never watch it again, as I will this weekend. ;) [A fan is a fan.] :)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Twilight Musings: Stars
I had the hardest time getting used to the on-screen Jasper (what's with the hair!) but I think eventually, the image stuck and actually gave more character to the character. Haha.
I think Ashley Greene fits Alice so well - the spiky hair, the cool fashion. =) Kellan Lutz, well, that bod explains all of Emmett's love for a good fight.
And Rob? Hmmm, no question on the messy hair - it's character itself. I think Rob is not as striking as the Edward I expected but it seems he did act so well, he gave Edward life on screen. But, regardless, I embrace anything and everything in that movie. Can't wait to finally see it. (The premiere buzz is cruel. My EQ, or what's left of it, is being tested to its limits.) =)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Single Ladies
This was a recent SNL skit posted by a friend in Facebook (thanks, Imee). It gave my heart its best laugh today. LOL. Justin was so game! :)
Monday, November 17, 2008
The New Cover Boy

Of course, I had to add in the latest TIME. Afterall, Newsweek was mostly pictures. Ah, I'm guessing all stuff Obama are hot these days. The newsstand salesgirl cheerfully volunteered that the above mags were flying off her shelves. Obama surely faces a whole lot of expectations.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
More Than Just Coffee

I only mostly order coffee before but after I tasted the above treat, I knew I would be coming back for it. Seattle's Best, it turns out, is more than just good coffee. ;)
Being a lazy Sunday, there were a few people around, so I was able to get myself both of the country's biggest national papers (see above). And yes, that's Chris Brown and Rihanna in the paper to the left. Both are in the country for a joint concert tonight. Don't get me wrong, I find both artists admirable - I like Brown's "With You" and love all of Rihanna's unique music. However, I kinda felt having them grace the frontpage of a national daily a bit inappropriate. Is their arrival such a national issue? Ah, no wonder I've always had more respect for the other paper.
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Taylor Chronicles: Taylor

There have been singer-songwriter-guitar players before her but Taylor brings into the scene a kind of passion so energetic and a kind of talent all her own, that you can't help but notice and eventually learn to love her music. Her triple-platinum debut album is an undeniable witness to this. As a Good Morning America host once commented, Taylor was something that was dropped onto the stage and massively exploded - in the best sense, that is. But the numbers regardless, Taylor is a breath of fresh air because her songs are original and crafted in such a way that anyone who dare listen are able to relate to the songs like they were their own.
With her achievements, you'd think she'll be older than her sweet 18. When you watch her interviews, you'd think it's an older, perceptive soul speaking. With her resolve, you'd wonder why self-knowledge would come to people like her so soon. Who would refuse a record deal just because they were not allowed to sing their own songs? Who would refuse potential fame and riches just because they were denied the chance to be who they are and to do the stuff that define them? And she was only 13 when she made the decision! Taylor knows what she is all about and it is fascinating to see that in such young a person.
Despite the wave of troubled young celebrities, Taylor is able to keep her smart head level-headed, and her attitude cool and positive. She wears an honesty in her communications with fans that is not often seen in people of her stature. She exudes a character that is appreciative of life and simply, good. Taylor makes a special mark in the biz because she understands the responsibility beside the fame, and appreciates her success for what it truly is - a wonderful, wonderful blessing.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Lost in Madagascar

It was a choice betweeen animals and James (haven't seen James yet). I do not think James would like it but he lost to the former. Unfortunately for him, I just wasn't in the mood for serious action. I have an inkling that James' fast-paced sequences would carry a nerdy story (just like the first one - financial options, duh), and I didn't want to do anymore thinking. So, Madagascar was the choice.
Well, it was ok. Typical animated movie. The scenes were amazing, as expected. But I think it didn't offer anything new really. And the laughs...well, they were few and far in between, as far as I was concerned.
Regardless, it was a good thing to have the choice to do something else (e.g., see a film) rather than get stuck to a routine. =)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Light on a Manic Monday

Looking forward to the movie and talk. =) You better fill me in on your law years or I'll sue. Hehe. Kidding.
P.S. #1 Ynnah, newly-born Twilighter that you are, is it already definite you can't make it?
P.S. #2 Hmmm, I wonder if Popo has already started the read...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Sleepy Rainy Sunday
Now is one of the moments I love most - a sleepy rainy Sunday afternoon, my open window inviting the cool wind to come fill the room, my fave music streaming, and blogging away. I feel happy and at peace with the world.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Taylor Chronicles: Introduction
Before that fateful Ellen appearance, I had no idea who she was. I have not heard of her, nor of her songs. It only took that Ellen interview, however, to let her creep into my esteem. She was funny, smart, candid and obviously passionate about her music. Add to that the facts that she was also a songwriter and guitar player, and she cemented her place in my list of great finds. And when she performed, wow, I could feel her energy (and that of her band) all the way to my side of the globe. ;)
I had to write down her name and promise myself to look her over google the next time I got online. It was a promise I was glad I kept...
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The Speech
"It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation's apathy..."

Uh, well, I guess it's forgivable if I can't. After all, I'm not a US president-elect. Hehe. :)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Congrats, America

Even to this far a country, THIS is the highlight of the day. Obama wins. What history.
Amidst the rubble of the financial mess and fears of deep recession, America took the stage and performed outstandingly. The voter turnout, the activism of high profile names, the decisive vote, the gracious acceptance of defeat by McCain, the victory of a man which decades back was considered an impossibility...are a reminder of why America rules.
Hats off. :)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
James and I

Scariest Halloween Costume

In line with the show's Halloween costume theme, Sykes came in wearing the above costume (left). The conversation (gist only, not verbatim):
Ellen: So, what are you?
Wanda: I'm a Wall Street executive.
Ellen: And that hat?
Wanda: Is my golden parachute.
LOL! What an extremely relevant get-up. Loved it. =)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
TOSH and Stories

Venue-aside, I think meeting with friends and getting updated on each other's lives is one of the best things in life. :)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
High School Musical 3

Zac Efron is an extremely talented star. In addition to the good looks and singing, he is a brilliant dancer. When he moves, there's never an awkward moment. Just a fluid sway of the body that matches every beat of the music. Geez, I'm a Zac fan. Hehe.
All the kids in the movie are very talented. They deserve the worldwide appreciation. =)
Thanks, Pops, for the invite. =)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Nope. He didn't come with wings, nor did he descend from the roof. ;) He simply got through the door, newspapers in hand, looking forward to literally bringing the news to his clients. The angel came in the form of our office's unofficial newspaper guy.
I used to buy my favorite paper from him but I haven't in a long time, primarily because I moved to a new group and a different floor. But he must have recognized me as well, because his face lit up a bit when I waved hello.
Not having brought a cent with me either, I dared ask if I could have my paper on credit. =) No questions asked, he proceeded to look for the paper I wanted from the stack he held. Unfortunately, he no longer had a copy of the paper. ):
He offered the other papers, but I only really wanted my paper, so, I said my heartfelt thanks and looked on to a passive existence.
But ---
To my surprise, he stayed on, took a seat and scanned through his stack. I didn't quite understood what he was doing but then he found what he was looking for...and gave it to me! He so kindly took time to search for that one paper he could give me - a complimentary copy of another paper he had! Ah, he really made my day. :)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Twilight Musings: Dangerous
STOP! If you have NOT read the Twilight books, stop reading NOW. This post and posts with this same foreword are my own thoughts on the series. They may contain SPOILERS and I know nobody wants to be spoiled in this respect. I'd also hate to be the one to kill the excitement for anybody who happens to drop by and read. So, in the words (and style) of author Stephenie Meyer: YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

We know how Aro is. A schemer. Power-grabber. Cheater. So why would he send Bella an important jewelry for a wedding gift with nothing in it for him? I doubt he cared for Bella's or the Cullens' affection. Well, it may be possible that he wanted to simply be on their good side but he didn't have to send such a priceless gift. Unless, there's more to it for him.
I distinctly remember his words when he saw Bella wearing the gift at the battlefield. The book did not make a fuss on his words, but I fear that they were lethal: "I should have sent a note along with that gift". What could he have meant? My fear is, the gift is meant to do harm. Aro's comment was filled with sarcasm and malice.
And as for Bella's act of love, i.e., lifting her shield off herself so Edward could see how much he meant to her, I think it's an act of death as well. It's one thing for her enemies to know they could not touch her because her shield is natural and permanently attached to her, it's another for them to know that it could be lifted. It would take just a threat to Bella's loved one's life to get her to unshield herself.
Ah, Twilight can set a dormant imagination loose!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Come in, December
There were two surprising moments these few days that I especially remember though, and they're just about one thing really. For two straight mornings (I think it were Wednesday and Thursday) I stepped out of home, onto the busy street and then suddenly felt like it's Christmas. The air, the mood, seemed to me like the season was here, not more than a month later. The wonder of it was, nothing in the surrounding was yet physically Christmas-like: no lanterns, no christmas lights, no santa claus displayed anywhere.
Maybe, I'm just so looking forward into the season, that I could feel it in my bones this early. ;)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Twilight Musings: Alice
STOP! If you have NOT read the Twilight books, stop reading NOW. This post and posts with this same foreword are my own thoughts on the series. They may contain SPOILERS and I know nobody wants to be spoiled in this respect. I'd also hate to be the one to kill the excitement for anybody who happens to drop by and read. So, in the words (and style) of author Stephenie Meyer: YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

I love the stubbornness. She may drive Bella crazy sometimes, but it's those moments of persistence (the birthday party, the clothes) that bring in the affection. She's a classic I'll-get-my-way-no-matter-what girl but it's the kind that let's you like her more because she is so only if she firmly believes getting her way is best for all.
I think, she is the best sister and potential sister-in-law that Edward and Bella, respectively, could have. She welcomed Bella like a true friend and sister, and stood by the lovers in their many times of need. I particularly loved the way she connived with Edward to keep Bella from coming to La Push at the height of the Bella-Jacob story, the fact that she took care of Bella when the latter was recovering from James' attack, and her frustration at Bella's fashion style.
Now that I think of it, though, I cannot recall if Alice's story - past - has been sufficiently told in the books. Ah, I would have to re-read. =)
Tweaks and Turns
Friday, October 17, 2008
Unwritten. I love the word...the freedom it promises. My future (blank page) is up to me (pen's in my hand)! Isn't that great to know? Isn't that wonderful to sing about? :)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
- my partner did most of the smashes (kills) while I made sure to keep my service errors to a minimum =)
- my partner kept herself busy with returning the ball while I applauded everytime she scored =) =)
- my partner ran the courts while I stayed out of her way because she had a better chance of hitting the ball =) =) =)
Amazing, eh? LOL.
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Problem
The problem with being teased to the max (see preceding post) is it changes your normal way of living.
As a rule, I don't buy hardbound books. I believe that if I had patience, I could save myself half the price for something that will have the same content regardless of the cover. And so, I usually end up getting myself the paperback.
But --- not this time.
Breaking Dawn has to complete the set. And so, it did:

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Teased to the Max!
It's out. Yep, Twilight's final trailer has debuted and it is killing me. I am dying to watch the movie.
Go to MySpace Trailer Park for a wider screen experience. Fantastic!
Tina in Action
Friday, October 10, 2008
12 Moves
It turned out, I have already won one game! =) My first ever completed game in the site is a win! Yipeeeeee!!! The pleasant surprise made me smile like crazy. =)
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Middle of the Road
Photo credit: Rachel Whiting
Monday, October 6, 2008
Perfect Bike
I walked into that bicycle rental store at a street corner just outside Stanley Park, extremely excited at the thought of exploring Vancouver by biking through its biggest park and bike-friendly streets. Leisure biking is not something you can really do in the Phils, considering how the streets are and so, the prospective experience filled my head with the word "adventure".
A cutie attendant approached me and asked which type of bike I wanted. I had no idea. All I thought about prior to that question was renting a bike, but no particular model was in mind. I scanned through the rows of bikes on display and pointed to one which I thought I could handle. Basically, I had only two criteria for the choice: the height that would allow my feet to hit the ground without having to unseat, and a brake.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Countdown to Twilight
But then, there's this and all you think is how far November is and why doesn't it come sooner:
Anjali Rao

I don't exactly know why but whenever Anjali Rao fronts a CNN segment, I tend to stick to the channel much more than I usually would. Sometimes, whenever I feel discouraged, frustrated or simply down, and I chance upon her show, I get a sudden surge of inspiration. The kind that makes you feel anything is possible, so feeling directionless is a waste of energy.
I think, the charm must be the idea that to me, she has broken barriers career-wise. I don't really know how CNN works behind the scenes but I think it's amazing for her to get the job she has considering that not many women (especially Asian women) get the same kind of spotlight in news programs and international TV. Her feat of being a top-notch CNN anchor is testimony to the heights women can reach in any field.
Apart from her achievement, I like Anjali herself for the amazing confidence and obvious intelligence. When she talks, you just got to listen and believe. Ah, when knowledge and confidence mix, you get a true talent.
Cheers for Anjali. =)
Friday, October 3, 2008
Scheming Mind

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Midnight Companion

Ellen once again gifted my midnight with a couple of laughs.
Tonight, she made these quotes (context only, not exact words), which may be the only fun coming out of the US financial crisis so far:
1. "We've got big news. We've been bought by Citigroup." - Ellen, in view of the recent mergers/acquisitions in Wall Street. LOL. A new logo of the show combined with the Citigroup logo (the one with the red umbrella) was then shown. :)
2. Ellen: "This is really bad times, considering that the Lehman Brothers may be borrowing money from the Jonas Brothers". Hehehe.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The Sisterhood

Pocketful of Sunshine
I think I've heard of her songs somehow, but it was when she guested on "Ellen" that I got really interested in her music. Interested enough, that is, to eventually get my own copy of the CD she was promoting then. It was a buy that I haven't regretted yet.
Honestly, I can't seem to find the words to describe her sound, but I do know that I thoroughly enjoy it. My top favorites are the first cut "Put Your Arms Around Me", the title song "Pocketful of Sunshine" (it's genius to coin this endearing phrase), the duet with Sean Kingston (Love Like This) and the reflective (questioning?) "Soulmate". :)
Woman of Substance: Tina Fey
"I thank my parents for somehow raising me to have confidence that is disproportionate with my looks and abilities. Well done. That is what all parents should do."
Haven't really known her long. Happened to hear about her in a feature somewhere sometime ago but it was the much-awaited Sarah Palin impersonation at Saturday Night Live (SNL) that prompted me to finally google Tina Fey. Her bio is pretty impressive. Who wouldn't take a bow at the first woman to become SNL's headwriter? Who went on to create her own show, write for it and star in it?
Fey truly has it. Looks. Smarts. Wit. Talent.
Geez, some people have all the good stuff. And some, like Fey, deserve every bit. ;)

Cool, eh? Ah, there is no escaping the Twilight saga.
I was totally unaware of the books until I chanced upon this weird picture of an extremely pale, seemingly-dangerous, good-looking teener with the especially notable eyes and hair, in another friend's Facebook. I had to ask who he was, what the picture was about and why she was raving about it much. That's when I came to know about Edward. The first book, "Twilight", was indeed a good read. I couldn't put it down. The thrill of the book for me, is not really the love story (I think Bella sometimes really gets way ahead of what it means to be 'devoted') but the anticipation of what's going to happen next. The book's basic story may be nothing new but unlike other books where you more or less know what's ahead, Twilight abounds with possibilities. Then came "New Moon" which further made me think Bella is taking her relationship with Edward to unreasonable levels. Still, the book got me hooked. =) And now, the third installment: Eclipse. Ah, I wonder what awaits.
Thanks, Ynnah.
Batman Begins

Didn't like Katie Holmes playing the DA though. Her supposed affair with you-know-who (Tom Cruise!) unfavorably clouded my appreciative nerves. The moment her face showed up, I kept thinking how this supposed no-nonsense, woman-of-substance, crusader-in-her-own-right District Attorney could be the 20-something girl involved in a 'flaunted' romance with a 40-something guy. Ah, bad publicity is not always good.
Going back to BB (Batman Begins). Certain fight scenes got me confused. They were performed too fast. I had a hard time following who was hurting who.
Overall though, I think the movie was worth the more than 1 hour I had to line up to watch the premiere.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Eternal Sunshine

You Complete Me
Is it possible to love ALL the songs of ONE artist's ENTIRE album? Trust me, it is. I have proof of it: Michelle Branch's Spirit Room.

Maybe it's the impression that she's a true, talented artist that made me appreciate her songs. After all, it's not often that you get to meet singers who are also songwriters who are also guitar players. Somehow, there's the trust that she isn't fooling me with just tricky packaging and brilliant marketing.