Got this hardbound gem from Ynnah for a birthday present:

Cool, eh? Ah, there is no escaping the Twilight saga.
I was totally unaware of the books until I chanced upon this weird picture of an extremely pale, seemingly-dangerous, good-looking teener with the especially notable eyes and hair, in another friend's Facebook. I had to ask who he was, what the picture was about and why she was raving about it much. That's when I came to know about Edward. The first book, "Twilight", was indeed a good read. I couldn't put it down. The thrill of the book for me, is not really the love story (I think Bella sometimes really gets way ahead of what it means to be 'devoted') but the anticipation of what's going to happen next. The book's basic story may be nothing new but unlike other books where you more or less know what's ahead, Twilight abounds with possibilities. Then came "New Moon" which further made me think Bella is taking her relationship with Edward to unreasonable levels. Still, the book got me hooked. =) And now, the third installment: Eclipse. Ah, I wonder what awaits.
Thanks, Ynnah.
You're welcome! :)
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