The film was very entertaining. All this time of waiting was worth every sec.
Foremost, of course, was the fact that two pretty faces graced the theater screen almost all throughout the movie. Yep, Brad and Jolie carried the film all by themselves. The support cast rarely showed up. The wonder was, we (I and my friends) didn't mind at all. We kinda liked it that way. *grins*
Now that the obvious has been officially laid down, let's get down to business.
This movie rocks because the plot is something relatively new, the actors are credible, comic attempts hit home, scenes were creatively made (that dinner dance, wow), the makers left no dragging moment, and the script did not screw things up.
I loved the way the writers differentiated Mr. Smith's (Brad) reaction from that of Mrs. Smith (Jolie) when they discovered the other's true identity. They were typical reactions of a man and a woman. Genius.
All in all, I think this film is a must. My fear that it wouldn't measure up to my expectation was crap.
I think I'm gonna watch it again this weekend.
Lifted from my old blog dated 8th June 2005.
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