It was a choice betweeen animals and James (haven't seen James yet). I do not think James would like it but he lost to the former. Unfortunately for him, I just wasn't in the mood for serious action. I have an inkling that James' fast-paced sequences would carry a nerdy story (just like the first one - financial options, duh), and I didn't want to do anymore thinking. So, Madagascar was the choice.
Well, it was ok. Typical animated movie. The scenes were amazing, as expected. But I think it didn't offer anything new really. And the laughs...well, they were few and far in between, as far as I was concerned.
Regardless, it was a good thing to have the choice to do something else (e.g., see a film) rather than get stuck to a routine. =)
You are so cute! I'm sure that Madagascar was thrilled that it won out over Bond! Impressive!
Let me know if you go and see Bond, though!
=) Hehe.
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