Thursday, August 20, 2009

Trip Preview: Coron

I have been to a number of cities/places which I could have appreciated more if I knew about them a little bit more. And so, starting with my upcoming trip to Coron, Palawan, I will learn about the places I'll be going to - history, geography, people, culture, tourist spots, etc.

Coron is one of the famous tourist spots of Palawan, a province in the country. It is known for its lakes, islands, dive sites and simple lifestyle. It is part of what is called the "Calamian Group of Islands", the other large islands being Busuanga and Culion.

A trip to Coron entails either a SuperFerry trip (boat) or small planes. And since we're going to take the latter, that's where my talk will be based.

The take-off from Manila will log about an hour(?) of flying and then touch down to Busuanga. What to expect then? (Will still find out.) =)

Photo credit: I-Pinas


Karla Inigo said...

Hay! I wish I could go with you guys, but I've got loads of responsibilities.

dojski said...

Wish you were too, Karl. Next time ah. =)

theLastJedi said...

' waahhh.. keep us updated about this trip.. uhm.. on december ill be goin too with some friends.. excited na aku.. =)

dojski said...

sure. =) really intend to write about the trip. sana di ako tamarin. hehe.

Isis said...

I love Coron! Mt. Tapyas is the only 'mountain' I've scaled more than 5 times! Yun lang nakakagutom umakyat so I tend to reward myself with food after. Pizza at Bruno's (Bistro Coron) is a must try. :D

dojski said...

Wow, 5 times. =) Thanks for the tip on the pizza. =)