For the Unfamiliar: Katy is known for her controversial hits "I Kissed a Girl" and "Ur so Gay", as well as "Hot n Cold"; her outrageous outfits (e.g., she wears fruits, literally); and her 'wild' image. But there is more to her than all these: her album "One of the Boys" contains some very thoughtful, sensible songs (Thinking of You, Lost, Fingerprints), the entire album is quality music, she's a songwriter, she's smart and witty based on interviews, and she has real vocal talent. My guess is, all the outrageous stuff about her is just publicity. Inside, she's a serious, sincere music artist. ;)

Birthday came and went, and as usual, reflections about what my year has been and what direction my life is taking are the central theme of the occasion. I continue to be a work in progress. But I know better now than to take that against myself. It's just how it is: as long as you breathe, you are never going to be "made". You will remain a journey. The key is to keep trying to live the best life you could.
Lunch with colleagues was relatively low key and so was dinner with friends. I wanted it that way. And I am especially thankful that all whom I invited came to dinner. It was a wider circle of friends this time and though intimate talk could not be expected from such, I achieved the purpose of gathering them together as appreciation for being a part of my life. When you are getting older, you tend to be more appreciative of people and things. I wanted to celebrate my friends on my birthday. (Family was is in the province. =)
My Tita, whom I talked about in this post, passed away yesterday. So my planned trip home for October will have to come earlier as the funeral is this Wednesday. Rest in peace, Tita.
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