Friday, September 4, 2009

Bumpy Ride

We almost did not make it.

The plane was supposed to leave Manila at 9:40 am but due to "bad weather" in our destination, our flight was put on hold until further notice. After what felt like 20 minutes though, our flight was finally called and we were set to board.

Length of entire plane

It was a small plane. Probably the smallest I've been in, ever. But since only such planes fly to Coron, they're the way to go. Accepting this fact, however, did not mean forgetting what small planes entail: a bumpy ride.

And indeed, a bumpy ride it was. Things were all right up to about 30 minutes into the flight but when we got near the Coron (Busuanga) airport, we were treated to some semblance of a roller-coaster ride. That was fine. As long as the plane does not actually crash, I don't mind such weather disturbances.

What was not fine was the pilot's announcement: "The weather has deteriorated. We will stay suspended on air for 20 minutes but if the weather does not improve, we will fly back to Manila". Charming.

I could see anxious faces scanning the reaction of fellow passengers. I think, people were more worried about not reaching Coron rather than the plane crashing. Those people included me.

Minutes into the ultimatum, the pilot declared that the airport has cleared our plane for landing and I just knew everybody collectively heaved a sigh of relief. When the stewardess announced the touchdown, a joyous applause erupted.

cleared for landing

And so, goes the story of our onward journey. Adventurous, at the very least. And we were not even in Coron yet. ;)

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