Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lessons Learned

What are we here for really?

I have come across many answers. The meaning of life can, after all, be different to different people.

I believe that we are here - on earth, living and alive - to, among others, experience. To feel, to smell, to touch, to learn. Whatever for? To feed the soul. (Unless you don't believe you got one. Oh, Edward. Hehe.)

And so, before I risk walking into beliefs or spirituality (or vampirism), may I just say that what I'm really trying to do is introduce a new label for this blog. =) =)

The label, "*Lessons Learned", will contain lessons I learn (or re-learn) as I coast through life.

Today, I'll start with this one which recent events have re-taught me:

If it's not yet time, don't push it. Things will fall into place at their own pace.

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